Highest among Females aged 40 and above
Set against the unique backdrop of the Filipino-Chinese community, The Poor Heiress tells the story of two rival families - the Wong and Sy clans. Diana, a simple worker, falls in love and marries into the Wong Family, giving birth to its sole heiress.
Her prosperous life changes on the day her baby is abducted. Banished by the clan and abandoned by her lover Charles Wong, she comes back years after as another person seeking revenge and redemption. She allies herself with Helena Sy, a strong-willed woman who is similarly motivated by her painful past and is determined to reclaim what is rightfully hers, from the Wongs.
A mere spectator to the complicated feud of the families is the fearless Grace, a young maid of the Wong clan who unexpectedly finds herself deeply involved in the squabbles of her employers. Growing up in the slum area - where she was found as a child - she faces her own struggles as she strives for a better chance at life, love and the fullfillment of her dreams.
It is a modern day fairytale that challenges the time-honored traditions of two families with different cultures. In a story where people are not who they seem to be, witness how the revelation of Grace's true identity affects the conflict between the Sy and Wong clans.
Take part in their journey to unlock the secrets and mysteries of the characters' past. Throughout the engaging series, discover the real treasures of life: those more valuable than what riches and prestige can offer. Will Diana, Helena and Grace be able to find the truth that they seek and reclaim the happiness they lost?